Theth National Park

Hotele Shqiptare ne Kukes Post Id: 85354

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Pagesa 40 Euro
Distanca 64.63 Km nga qendra Kukes
Qyteti - Zona Kukes - Qender
Adresa Theth, Albania
Data: 03/01/2019
Ora: 21:43
Lexime: 70

'Theth is a wonderful village in northern Albania’s Shkodra region. Set among the peaks of the Shala mountains, Theth is isolated, and in times of snow, practically inaccessible. Edith Durham, a famous English traveler and writer on the Balkans, visited the area in 1908. She wrote of its seclusion: ‘I think no place where human beings live has given me such an impression of majestic isolation from the entire world. It is a spot where the centuries shrivel; the river might be the world’s well-spring, its banks the fit home of elemental instincts–passions that are red and rapid.’'