Funky Guest House & Bar - Permet

Hotels in Albania a Permet Post Id: 8811

extra info
Prezzo 3,000 Leke
Distanca 129.70 Km nga qendra Permet
Citta - Zona Permet -
Indirizzo Sheshit Abdyl Frasheri
Data: 15/05/2017
Ora: 11:13
Letture: 1569

Funky Guest-House & Bar eshte nje biznes familjar i pozicionuar ne zemer te qytetit te Permetit, nje qytet me histori te gjate dhe nje nga me te vizituarit ne Shqiperi. Shtepia jone pritese disponon 8 dhoma (familjare, dopio, teke) te pajisura me TV, internet, ajer te kondicionuar dhe tualet per secilen dhome. Ambjentet kane nje stil tradicional te pershtatur me kulturen vendase dhe te nderthurur me nje stil modern. Funky Guest-House & Bar pervec akomodimit dhe sherbimit special ofron dhe nje menu te pasur ne shije. Bari ka nje reputacion te shkelqyer ne ofrimin e rakise, veres dhe glikove te mrekullueshme te cilat prodhohen ne zonen e Permetit dhe sherbehen ne nje ambjent dhe atmosfere miqesore e mikpritese. Mikpritja eshte ne genet tona dhe eshte e pershtatur me se miri ne Funky Guest-House & Bar. Dhomat mund te rezervohen paraprakisht ose jo. Ambjentet tona jane te pershtatshme per familjare, cifte, individe ose grupe qe duan te vizitojne qytetin tone. Gjithashtu ne organizojme udhetime plot aventura qe nuk do ti harroni kurre.

Cmimet tek Funky Guest-House & Bar:
Dhoma dopio - 3 mije leke
Dhoma teke - 1,5 mije leke
Dhoma familjare - 5 mije (2 dhoma/1 kuzhine te vogel/1 tualet)
Dhoma Suite - 4 mije leke (dhoma+sherbim special)
Per me teper informacion ju lutem vizitoni faqen tone ne FB
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Funky Guest-House & Bar is a friendly family business located in the heart of Permet town - with a long history of being one of the most visited towns in Albania. Our Guest House provides 8 very stylish (family, double, twin) rooms with TV, wireless, air condition and shower rooms. In our accommodation you will find a traditional style to define our local culture mixed with a modern style. Apart from the accommodation and special service, Funky Guest-House & Bar offers a rich menu filled with taste. The bar has an excellent reputation for serving locally sourced drinks like raki, wine and amazing gliko, in addition to well-known brands - all served in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Hospitality is in our genes and it is best shown at Funky Guest-House & Bar. We take bookings, walk-in is also welcomed, good for families, couples, individuals or groups that want to visit our beautiful town. Of course we organize adventures trips that you will never forget.

Prices at Funky Guest-House & Bar:
Double room - Euro25
Single room - Euro15
Family room - Euro40 Euro (2 rooms/small kitchen/shower room)
Suite - Euro30 (room with the best view & special treatment)

For more information please visit our page on FB
Thank you