Ocasion Apartment at the seaside (Lalzi Bay)

Qera ditore dhe dhoma plazhi ne Durres Post Id: 8366

extra info
Pagesa 50 Euro
Ambjenti 1+1, Kati 2
Siperfaqa 55.00 m2, Mobilimi E Mobiluar
Qyteti - Zona Durres -
Adresa Lalzi Bay
Data: 17/07/2023
Ora: 21:03
Lexime: 3656

It’s an occasion – Apartment by the seaside in Albania, Lalzi Bay
In the Lalzi Bay, the touristic village “LURA 1”, second floor of a Villa, Apartment 1+1, and veranda surface 55 m2, furnished including kitchen, dishes and sheets.
Daily (minimum 5 days) – 50 Euro/Day
Monthly – 1000 Euro/ month
Annual – 4500 Euro/ year

Ne Gjirin e Lalzit, kompleksi turistik “LURA 1”, kati i dyte Apartament 1+1, dhe verande siperfaqe 55 m2, e mobiliuar dhe e pajisur me pajisjet e nevojshme perfshi ene kuzhine, carcafe dhe peshqire.
Jepet me qera:
Ditore (minimumi 5 dite) – 50 Euro/Dita
Mujore – 1000 Euro/ muaji
Vjetore – 4500 Euro/ vit