Oferta Vende Pune ne Tirane, Profesioni translator and companion for clients (Portugese, Albanian and Russian, Spanish, French and Italian), Pagesa 37

Oferta Vende Pune ne Tirane Post Id: 388239

extra info
Pagesa 375 Euro
Profesioni translator and companion for clients (Portugese, Albanian and Russian, Spanish, French and Italian)
Niveli i arsimit Gjimnaz
Mosha e Preferuar E Pa Percaktuar
Qyteti - Zona Tirane - Sheshi Shkenderbej/Myslym Shyri
Adresa Sheshi Skenderbej, Tirana, Albania
Data: 30/09/2021
Ora: 12:29
Lexime: 2330

Gestlife is looking for people:
-one who speaks Albanian
-one who speaks Portugese

-one who speaks Spanish 375euro for month
- one who speaks French 375euro for month
- one who speaks Italian. 375euro for month
The profile is the same for all : resolute person who would accompany clients and advise them during their stay in Tirana, they need to be able to solve problems on the go.
The job would be in full time and the payment will be 350- 375Euro per month plus interesting bonuses. Send your Cv by Email address: amaya@gestlifesurrogacy.com

Gestlife po kerkon perkthyes ne gjuhet:
- qe flet Shqip
- qe flet Portugalisht

- qe flet Spanjisht 375 euro ne muaj
- qe flet Frengjisht 375euro ne muaj
- qe flet Italisht 375euro ne muaj

Profili eshte i njejte per te tre: personi i vendosur qe do te shoqeronte klientet dhe do t'i keshillonte ata gjate qendrimit te tyre ne Tirane, ata duhet te jene ne gjendje te zgjidhin problemet ne levizje. Puna do te ishte me kohe te plote dhe pagesa do te jete 350-375 Euro ne muaj plus bonuse.
Aplikoni me Email ne: amaya@gestlifesurrogacy.com