Oferta Vende Pune ne Tirane, Profesioni Account Representative, Pagesa 900 Euro.

Oferta Vende Pune ne Tirane Post Id: 723019
extra info
Pagesa 900 Euro
Profesioni Account Representative
Niveli i arsimit Bachelor
Mosha e Preferuar 20-30 Vjece
Qyteti - Zona Tirane - Komuna e parisit/Stadiumi Dinamo
Adresa Rruga Tish Daija Tirane,Shqiperia
Data: 09/01/2024
Ora: 21:47
Lexime: 191
File list: analytic.png,

Pallas is an analytics agency specializing in web analytics, data tracking, marketing optimization & customer analytics. We are looking for a digitally savvy, highly motivated Account Representative. As a Key Account Representative, you will be responsible for developing and managing a sales pipeline and building new business relationships within a specific Industry. You will be working with existing customers and new customers to promote compelling solutions that best fit their marketing needs. You will also be in charge or building brand awareness through social media.

Develop different outreach strategies for new leads/prospects
Promote and market business through cold outreach, social media, relationships
Schedule initial prospecting meetings for your Partner
Provide in-depth information to your Partner to enable the most qualified and productive demos
Help as needed to build awareness on special projects/events
Write engaging bids on projects on behalf of agency
Manage various social media accounts

Pallas eshte nje agjenci analitike e specializuar ne web analytics, data tracking, marketing optimization & customer analytics. Ne jemi duke kerkuar per nje account represtentative me njohuri dixhitale dhe shume te motivuar. Si account representative, ju do te jeni pergjegjes per zhvillimin dhe menaxhimin dhe ndertimin e marredhenieve te reja biznesi brenda nje Industrie specifike. Ju do te punoni me klientet ekzistues dhe klientet e rinj per te promovuar zgjidhje bindese qe i pershtaten me mire nevojave te tyre te marketingut. Ju gjithashtu do te jeni pergjegjes per brand awareness permes rrjeteve sociale.

Zhvilloni strategji te ndryshme kontakti per drejtime/perspektiva te reja
Promovoni dhe tregtoni biznesin permes kontakteve te ftohta(cold emails/calls), mediave sociale, marredhenieve
Programoni takimet fillestare te kerkimit per partnerin tuaj
Jepni informacion te thelluar partnerit tuaj per te mundesuar demonstrimet me te kualifikuara dhe produktive
Ndihmoni sipas nevojes per te rritur ndergjegjesimin per projekte/ngjarje te vecanta
Shkruani oferta terheqese per projekte ne emer te agjencise
Menaxhimin e llogarive te ndryshme te mediave sociale

Fulltime position: 900Euro per Month
Si te aplikoni:
Dergo CV: andre@pallasanalytics.net

Afati i fundit i aplikimit: 03/10/2024 16:04